ECL euro.COURIER Logistics GmbH
Jagdschänkenstr. 100
09116 Chemnitz
Telefon: +49 371 844940
Telefax: +49 371 844944
Geschäftsführung: Sebastian Fankhänel
Eingetragen am Amtsgericht Chemnitz, HRB 19832
Umsatzsteueridentnummer: DE 813436747
Dezimalgrad (WGS84): N 50.799415 E 12.84898
Grad, Minuten, Sekunden (WGS84): N 50° 47" 57.894 E 12° 50" 56.328
UTM-Koordinaten (WGS84): 33U 348421.062 5629724.876
MGRS / UTMREF (WGS84): 33UUS 48421.062 29724.876
Gauß-Krüger (Bessel, Potsdam): R 4559958.687 H 5629671.466
NAC (Natural Area Codinf, WGS84): J23N64 RFZWC0
W3W (What 3 Words):
Plus Code (Google Open Location Code): 9F2JQRXX+QH
Höhe über Meeresspiegel: 364m (SRTM-Wert)
D&B D-U-N-S Nummer: 33-123-7367
Aussteller: Bisnode Deutschland GmbH, 64293 Darmstadt
Postlizenz C, E, F, G, H: P04/2358
Exhibitor and regulatory authority: Bundesnetzagentur, PF 8001, 55003 Mainz
EU-Lizenz: D-14-011-G-0045
Exhibitor and regulatory authority: Stadt Chemnitz, Amt 32 (Tiefbauamt Abtl. Verkehrsbehörde), 09106 Chemnitz
zugelassener Transporteur: DE/H/01517-01
Exhibitor and regulatory authority: Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA), 38108 Braunschweig
Constanze Zieger
Werbeagentur Fortuna GmbH
Wieland Weber
Facebook, Gruppe Chemnitz live
Markus Becker
furoris X art
Dschoy GmbH
privates Bildmaterial
weitere Webseiten: Mehrwertlogistik, News; Direktfahrten; Overnight Express
ECL euro.COURIER Logistics GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "content provider") is responsible for its own content that is made available for use in accordance with general legislation. The content published on this website has been selected and researched with the utmost care. Nevertheless, the content provider cannot accept any liability for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information provided. All information is provided without guarantee. Liability claims derived from the use of this information against the content provider are excluded.
Cross-references ("links") to content provided by other providers are to be distinguished from this own content. Through the cross-reference, the content provider makes "third-party content" available for use, which is labelled in this way: [Link/Linkbox]. The content provider is only responsible for this third-party content if it has positive knowledge of it (i.e. also of illegal or punishable content) and it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use (Section 5 (2) of the Teleservices Act). However, "links" are always "living" (dynamic) references. When the link was first created, the content provider checked the third-party content to determine whether it might give rise to civil or criminal liability. However, according to the TDG, the content provider is not obliged to constantly check the content to which it refers in its offer for changes that could give rise to new liability. Only if the content provider establishes or is informed by others that a specific offer to which it has provided a link triggers civil or criminal liability will it remove the link to this offer, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable. The technical possibility and reasonableness is not influenced by the fact that the illegal or criminal offer can be accessed from other servers even after access from the ECL euro.COURIER Logistics GmbH homepage has been prevented.
In its judgement of 12 May 1998 ("Liability for links", Az 312 O 85/98), the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that the inclusion of a link (a reference to another site) may entail co-responsibility for the content of the linked site (read more). According to the court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content. On various pages of the domain "" (hereinafter referred to as "website") there may be links to other pages on the Internet. The following therefore applies to all these links:
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